Doctor Who Logo 'The Lone Centurion':
'The Unwilling Assassin'

by Sarah Ward
Jacket Illustration

The Roman Empire has a new official assassin. Lethal, cunning, and utterly unsuited to the job. Can Rory Williams succeed at assassination without actually killing anyone?

Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams), Joanna Van Kampen (Augusta), Glen McCready (Crispus), Robyn Holdaway (Decima), Rhys Jennings (Felix), Omar Baroud (Quinn), Max Hutchinson (Stallholder), Terry Molloy (Tacitus), Ayesha Antoine (Locusta), Timothy Blore (Slave)

Directed by Scott Handcock

Release Date: April 2021


*Featuring the Auton Rory

*A Big Finish 'The Churchill Years' adventure