Doctor Who Logo 'UNIT: Nemesis:'
'Between Two Worlds'
4: 'The Curator’s Gambit'

(1 Part)

by Andrew Smith
Jacket Illustration

The arch is taken to the Under Gallery for safe keeping, under the protection of the Curator. When the Eleven penetrates the Gallery’s security, the Curator initiates an emergency plan. He and UNIT play a game of cat and mouse with their pursuers within the Under Gallery’s original location, Hampton Court Palace.

Jemma Redgrave (Kate Stewart), Ingrid Oliver (Osgood), James Joyce (Captain Josh Carter), Tom Baker (The Curator), Mark Bonnar (The Eleven), Tracy Wiles (Jacqui McGee), Becky Wright (Claire Duval), Glen McCready (J M W Turner), Maggie Service (Ava Drake), Christopher Naylor (Lieutenant Harry Sullivan)

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
November 2021


*Featuring Kate Stewart, Osgood, Captain Josh Carter, Lieutenant Harry Sullivan, UNIT and the Curator

*A Big Finish Audio Production