Doctor Who Logo 'Water Worlds':
'The Tides of the Moon'

(2 Parts)

by Joshua Pruett
Jacket Illustration

For Hebe's first trip in the TARDIS, the Doctor and Mel take her to the nearest available 'water world' – the Moon, two billion years in the past! Its advanced humanoid inhabitants, the Gilleans, are terrorised each night by their monstrous enemies, the Sheega. Even more worrying is that in a matter of hours, this ocean world will be laid waste by the gravitational interference of the blue-green planet next door...

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Bonnie Langford (Melanie Bush), Ruth Madeley (Hebe Harrison), Virge Gilchrist (Helias), Sam Stafford (Wulk), Andrew James Spooner (The Clutch Father)

Directed by Helen Goldwyn

Release Date:
May 2022


*Featuring the Sixth Doctor, Mel and Hebe

*A Big Finish Audio Production