Doctor Who Logo 'Trespassers' 1:
'Rogues Gallery':
'Symmetry of Death'

(1 Part)

by Dan Starkey
Jacket Illustration

Cases are mounting for the Paternoster Gang. Three mysteries call for immediate attention: a murder, a locked room conundrum, and some acts of random vandalism. But is there a connection?

As Jenny goes undercover and Strax stakes out the suspects, Vastra finds an echo of the distant past which could be the key to the solution.

Neve McIntosh (Madame Vastra), Catrin Stewart (Jenny Flint), Dan Starkey (Strax), Thom Petty (Gabriel J Nachtnabel / James Hawke), David Holt (Thomas Crabbe / Butler), Holly Jackson Walters (Imogen Beauchamp / Mrs Cudd / Chaak / Klaar)

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
October 2023


*Featuring Madam Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax

*A Big Finish 'Paternoster Gang' adventure