Doctor Who Logo 'Rat Trap'
(4 Parts)

by Tony Lee
Jacket Illustration

1983: as the country goes to the polls, two ‘Urban Explorers’, together with a freelance journalist, break into the long-defunct Cadogan Tunnels, once a secret wartime facility… and later, so rumour has it, the site of an experimental laboratory with a nasty sideline in vivisection.

What they find, in its twisting underground corridors, is something the most cynical conspiracy theorist could never have imagined: a highly-evolved society of questing, intelligent creatures, living right under humanity’s nose for decades.

But there’s no way out of the tunnels – as the Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough are about to discover when the TARDIS brings them, too, into the complex. It’s a rat trap – and they’ve all been caught!

Peter Davison (The Doctor), Janet Fielding (Tegan Jovanka), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa), Mark Strickson (Vislor Turlough), John Banks (Clifford Andrews), Alison Thea-Skot (Sally Lucas), Terry Molloy (Doctor Wallace), David Seymour (Kevin), Andrew Dickens (Matthew / Major Harris), Charlie Norfolk (Caitlin Jones)

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
June 2011

*Featuring the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough

*A Big Finish Audio Production