Doctor Who Logo 'The Monster in the Cupboard'

by Kalynn Bayron
Jacket illustration


Lily thinks there's a monsters in her house, hiding in the cupboard.

The monster is made of immense light and power, she says, and it's taken her mum and brother. So when a chance refuel lands the Doctor and Rose right on Lily's doorstep, they both agree she needs their help.

It is a search that will take them from the Cardiff Rift right back to another disappearance, many years ago...

Publication Date:
26th Octover 2023

*Featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose

*A BBC/Puffin Books 'Doctor Who: The Decades Collection' novel

*Time-placing: Rose references the Cardiff rift, and later wants to go and see her family, so I'm choosing to place this between 'The Unquiet Dead' and 'Aliens of London'