Doctor Who Logo 'Jenny -
the Doctor's Daughter':
'Still Running:'
'Inside the Maldorvarium'

by Adrian Poynton
Jacket Illustration

Jenny was made as a soldier but has a Time Lord’s heritage - and that Time Lord is the Doctor. Exploring the universe, Jenny found a friend - Noah, a mystery boy from nowhere.

Together they're ready to save planets, fight monsters, and save the day with nothing but wit and instinct - and an awful lot of running.

Jenny and Noah find a priceless item up for auction at a disreputable venue – with an even less trustworthy owner. Dorium Maldovar might seem pleased to see them, but what’s his real agenda? Is Jenny here by chance, or is someone spinning a web...?

Georgia Tennant (Jenny), Sean Biggerstaff (Noah), Simon Fisher-Becker (Dorium Maldovar), Michael Wildman (Mr Probos), Sara Powell (Andros Fax / Bar Person)

Directed by Barnaby Kay

Release Date:
November 2021


*Featuring Jenny and Noah

*A Big Finish 'Jenny' adventure