Doctor Who Logo 'The Diary of River Song':
'The Orphan Quartet':
2-'Harvest of the Krotons'

by James Goss
Jacket Illustration

What are the Krotons? Why are they running a health spa? Jackie Tyler and River Song investigate, because everyone needs a direction point.

Alex Kingston (River Song), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), Alex Fletcher (Harmony Dubois), Nicholas Briggs (Krotons), Jay Perry (Brylan), Joseph Millson (Yoga Teacher), Jade Matthew (Lynne), Sam Stafford (Chosen One), Sarah-Jane Potts (Host), Irvine Iqbal (Host 2), Derek Elroy (Caller), Carol Royle (The Weather Forecaster)

Directed by David O'Mahony

Release Date:
August 2023


*Featuring Professor River Song and Jackie

*A Big Finish 'The Diary of River Song' adventure