Doctor Who Logo 'The Robots' 6:
'Force of Nature'

(1 Part)

by Helen Goldwyn
Jacket Illustration

During the events of 'Doctor Who: Ravenous 2', Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again.

A month after Tula’s enhancement chip was compromised, she and Liv join a compulsory ‘Recovery Training Course’ to help rehabilitate those infected. But they soon become embroiled in the tensions between the course participants and a very human-like SuperVoc - seemingly with its own agenda...

Nicola Walker (Liv Chenka), Claire Rushbrook (Tula Chenka), Joshua Riley (Haiss), Lisa Armytage (Yinka), Beth Chalmers (SV113 / Lorrelle), Jon Culshaw (Vash Sorkov), Sarah Lambie (Graf Kirran), Sam Stafford (Broadcaster / Manager / VOC1 / Tannoy)

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
April 2023


*Featuring Liv Chenka

*A Big Finish Liv Chenka adventure

*Time-placing: for Liv, this story and those that follow in the 'Robots' series are set during 'Escape from Kaldor'