Doctor Who Logo 'Fear Death by Water'

by Emily Cook
Jacket illustration

“The storm is an omen. A beast is rising from the deep. The ocean will consumer us all. Fear death by water.”

Northumberland, 1838. The TARDIS crash lands on board a sinking steamship. Stranded, the Doctor and the few survivors fight for their lives – while the local lighthouse keeper’s daughter, Grace Darling, risks her life to row to their rescue.

Lauded a heroine, Grace struggles to cope with her new-found fame. But the Doctor senses something else is troubling Grace. She’s been tormented by the terrifying vision she saw out at sea in the storm. There’s a monster in her mind, wrecking ships and stealing the souls of the drowned. And it’s real.

Publication Date:
29th May 2025

*Featuring the Fifteenth Doctor and Belinda

*A BBC Books 'Fifteenth Doctor Adventures' novel