Doctor Who Logo 'Out of Time':
Part 3

by Lisa McMullin
Jacket Illustration

When the Sixth Doctor goes sight-seeing on Lucidus Silvara, he finds himself in a place where nothing is visible at all… only all-encompassing light! The Tenth Doctor is drawn in by a temporal anomaly, and the two Doctors meet a species with no sense of sight, living in a city surrounded by Weeping Angels.

To save a civilisation, the Doctors must keep their eyes on the Angels. Don’t blink. Don’t even wink…

David Tennant (The Doctor), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Ayesha Antoine (Padilla), Clive Hayward (Dax), Joanna Van Kampen (Estra)

Directed by Nicholas Briggs

Release Date:
July 2022

*Featuring the Tenth Doctor and the Sixth Doctor

*A Big Finish Audio Production