Doctor Who Logo 'Doom's Day':
'Dying Hours':
'The Crowd'

by Lizzie Hopley
Jacket Illustration

"Follow the crowd", that’s what they say, right? In this case, however, devastation, murder and destruction follow this particular Crowd - Doom’s next target. But amongst them - an unfamiliar face, with a familiar name. Could this be Doom’s salvation?

Sooz Kempner (Doom), Paul McGann (The Doctor), India Fisher (Charlotte Pollard), Becky Wright (Terri / Stout Woman), Jonathan Case (Shabby Youth), Wayne Forester (Thin Man / Beckett)

Directed by John Ainsworth

Release Date:
September 2023


*Featuring Doom, the Eighth Doctor and Charley

*A Big Finish 'Doom's Day' adventure