'Cortex Fire' (2 Parts) by Ian Potter |
The Doctor brings Flip to the futuristic city of Festin, the best vantage point to witness a unique astronomical light show. In a city governed by the all-powerful network known as the Cortex, they’re soon identified as outsiders – nihilists, perhaps, responsible for a wave of terror that’s been sweeping the city… But the truth is different. The people of Festin are burning up. Spontaneously combusting. And no-one knows why.
Colin Baker (The Doctor), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson),
Shobu Kapoor (Sai Chopra), Orlando Seale (Dylan Argent), Monty D’Inverno (Jannik Woolf), Rebecca Todd (Khoralla), Simon Dylan-Kane (Halus), Eve Webster (Bav / Cortex / Enforcer)
Directed by Ken Bentley
Release Date:
May 2017
*Featuring the the Sixth Doctor and Flip
*A Big Finish Audio Production
*This story was released along with 'Vortex Ice'