Doctor Who Logo 'Donna Noble - Kidnapped!'
'The Chiswick Cuckoos'

by Matt Fitton
Jacket Illustration

Donna's home, but she's not quite herself. Sylvia couldn't be more pleased to see her daughter finally getting on with her life.

But an alien plot is nearing completion, and the world needs saving. The Doctor is nowhere to be found, so it's all up to Donna - and Nat!

Catherine Tate (Donna Noble), Jacqueline King (Sylvia Noble), Niky Wardley (Natalie), Isla Blair (Marge), James Joyce (Second Lieutenant Josh Carter), David Tennant (The Doctor)

Directed by Barnaby Edwards

Release Date:
May 2020


*Featuring Donna and Natalie, with the Tenth Doctor and Second Lieutenant Josh Carter

*A Big Finish 'Donna Noble' adventure