Doctor Who Logo 'The Barbarians and
the Samurai'

(4 Parts)

by Andrew Smith
Jacket Illustration

In 19th Century Japan, Westerners are forbidden. So when the TARDIS arrives near Lord Mamoru’s castle, the daimyo’s Samurai are soon on their trail.

Uncovering secres at court and treachery in the ranks, the Doctor and his friends are drawn into intrigue. And, as a battle begins, they are caught in the middle.

David Bradley (The Doctor), Claudia Grant (Susan), Jemma Powell (Barbara Wright), Jamie Glover (Ian Chesterton), Tracy Wiles (Sharlan), Michelle Morris (Brenna), Dan Li (Okada Shumei), Andrew Wincott (Casper Knox), Sadao Ueda (Takagi Mamoru), Susan Hingley (Keiko), Jozef Aoki (Toda Eiji / Yoshita Hiroshi), Christopher Naylor (Captain Hamilton)

Directed by Nicholas Briggs

Release Date:
July 2018


*Featuring the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan

*A Big Finish Audio Production