The Tomorrow People are the next stage of human evolution: Homo Superior. Gifted with various telepathic abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation (known as ‘jaunting’), these special teenagers are also unable to kill. Sworn to defend the Earth from enemies both alien and human, the Tomorrow People operate from a secret base known as the Lab, situated in a disused London Underground tunnel, and are assisted by Tim, a sentient biotronic computer.
First to manifest their powers - or ‘break-out’ - is John. The ‘father-figure’ of the team, it is John who originally makes contact with the Galactic Federation, a universal organisation made up of telepathic races. Where John is the brains of the team, Carol is the heart, being a compassionate young girl who is always willing to help those in need. Kenny is the youngest member, but makes up for his age with a keen mind. The first story sees these three Tomorrow People joined by Stephen, as he begins to break-out. Stephen is the more adventurous member of the team, always keen to rush off into danger. Later stories see the introduction of other Tomorrow People: Elizabeth, a young schoolteacher, who soon becomes the team’s ‘mother-figure’; Tyso, a cheeky young gypsy boy; Mike, an impetuous teenager who plays in a band called ‘the Fresh Hearts’; oriental ‘goddess’ Hsui Tai; and the mischievous young scot, Andrew.
Created in 1973 by Roger Price, ‘The Tomorrow People’ was always entertaining, full of fresh, innovative ideas, and larger-than-life villains. One of the key reasons for the show’s popularity lay in its appeal to its younger viewers, who (just like me at the time!) became taken with the idea that they too could be a potential Tomorrow Person, just waiting to ‘break-out’ as they grew up. The ‘The Tomorrow People’ stories are action-packed and fast-paced, brimming with fresh ideas and concepts, both humorous and dramatic; in fact some of the subjects they tackle, such as racism, espionage, Nazism and violent death are quite extraordinary for a children’s show.
Unfortunately, as the show progressed its episodes began to suffer from low budgets, tacky special effects and cheesy acting - with the latter seasons being particularly cringe-inducing - until finally, after eight seasons, the show was cancelled.
But that wasn’t the end of the Tomorrow People. In 1992, a new series began, with a new cast and improved special effects. This followed the adventures of Adam, Lisa, Ami, Kevin, Megabyte and Jade, who operate from an ancient and mysterious spaceship buried on the shore of a remote island. The concepts of the original series were still there: jaunting, telepathy and telekinesis, plus the usual bizarre and outlandish villains and concepts. The show ran for three seasons before ending.
However, the story of the Tomorrow People doesn’t end there. In 2001, ‘Big Finish Productions’, well-known for their new audio adventures of ‘Doctor Who’, decided to bring together members of the original series in order to release further stories of the ‘Tomorrow People’. A worthy addition to the show’s lore, these stories were particularly dramatic and well-written, and ran for five seasons; although a sixth season was planned [proposed stories: 'Talking to God', 'War of the Slarvians', 'Tandem', 'Godwin's Law' and 'Buartek'], it was never completed - which is a great shame because the previous season ended with a superb cliffhanger!
(Note: in 2013, an American version of ‘The Tomorrow People’ was produced, billed as a remake of the original show. Whilst it used the same basic premise of a group of young people who possess psionic powers as the result of human evolution, even reusing some of the original characters’ names, the show missed the basic point of breaking out / puberty, and never really succeeded in being anything other than just another standard U.S. adventure series. A missed opportunity…)
Tomorrow People - Season 1
Tomorrow People - Season 2
Tomorrow People - Season 3
The Tomorrow People - Season 4
The Tomorrow People - Season 5
The Tomorrow People - Season 6
The Tomorrow People - Season 7
The Tomorrow People - Season 8
The Tomorrow People - New Series Pilot
The Tomorrow People - Season 9
The Tomorrow People - Season 10
The Tomorrow People - Season 11
The Tomorrow People - Season 12
The Tomorrow People - Season 13
The Tomorrow People - Season 14
The Tomorrow People - Season 15
The Tomorrow People - Season 16
The Tomorrow People - Novels
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Legal Bit: 'The Tomorrow People' is a registered trademark of Carlton International Media Ltd; the 'The Tomorrow People' logo and all images from the television series are copyright Carlton International Media Ltd.; the new series of 'The Tomorrow People' is a registered trademark of Nickelodeon. The 'The Tomorrow People' logo and all images from the television series are copyright Nickelodeon; images of audio adventures are copyright 'Big Finish Productions'; no infringement of copyright is intended; music is copyright the original composers and producers; no copyright infringement is intended. All specially created images and text are copyright © Clive Banks; please do not use these without my permission. All rights reserved. No profit is made from this website, and any revenue made from using the banner-links featured goes straight back into the costs of maintaining it, which comes out of my own pocket in the first place. No profit advertising is accepted. This website was created purely to entertain and amuse, and any references to persons living, dead, comatose, in suspended animation, breaking out, trapped in hyperspace, not born yet, or a figment of someone's imagination is purely coincidental. All opinions expressed are my own, so there...
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