Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) Logo 'Could You Recognise The Man Again?'
by Donald James
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) Cast

After a formal New Year's Eve party, Jeff and Jean return to Jeff's car, only to find someone else getting out of it. This apparently harmless mistake becomes more sinister when Jeff finds a freshly used bullet cartridge on the floor - and a dead body sitting in the back seat. The corpse is identified as Jennings, a protection racketeer. For once, Inspector Large does not suspect Jeff of the murder, instead linking it to a long-running feud between Jennings and his rivals George and Mort Roden. Jeff and Jean both identify George Roden as the man they saw getting out of the car, and so George is arrested. But the brains behind the racket is actually Mrs. Roden, who puts her crooked lawyer Ralph Sorrel on the case, confident that he will get her son an acquittal. Jean is kidnapped by Mort and fellow thug Hales, who leave a note supposedly from Jean, addressed to Inspector Large at Scotland Yard, telling the policeman that she could not positively identify George, and so she left for the countryside. Jeff is about to give evidence, but is told over the telephone that Jean will be harmed if he gives evidence; he therefore backs out of the court hearing. The case is adjourned to the following day, buying Jeff and Marty a small amount of time to find Jean. Marty's attempts to track Jean pull him to her flat, which puzzles him as she definitely not there. Jeff scours London for the Rodens’ hideout, but his efforts are fruitless, and so he returns to Jean's flat. With just ten minutes until George walks free, a desperate Jeff urges Marty to concentrate on Jean again to see what happens. Marty finds himself levitating towards the ceiling into the flat above, where the Rodens are holding Jean hostage. Jeff rescues her, but there still remains the problem of getting to the courthouse. Marty buys them time by blowing papers and creating chaos in the courtroom. Jeff and Jean finally arrive and, confronted with the fact that two witnesses are about to identify him as the murderer, George changes his plea to guilty.

Jeff Randall (Mike Pratt), Marty Hopkirk (Kenneth Cope), Jean Hopkirk (Annette Andre), Ivor Dean (Inspector Large), Madge Ryan (Mrs. Roden), Stanley Meadows (George Roden), Dudley Sutton (Mort Roden), Norman Eshley (Mike Hales), John Bryans (Ralph Sorrel), Roland Curram (Jennings), A.J. Brown (Judge)

Directed by Jeremy Summers

UK: 16th January, 1970 @ 7.25pm

*Featuring Jeff Randall, the late Marty Hopkirk, and Jean Hopkirk