Invaders Logo 'Condition: Red'

by Laurence Heath
David Vincent

A doctor dies under mysterious circumstances after reporting the apparent death of an attractive woman named Laura Keller, who, despite having no heartbeat or pulse, is somehow still alive. When David Vincent reads an account of the death published in a newspaper, he decides to investigate, and finds that the woman’s husband, Major Dan Keller, is head of NORAD - the North American Air Defence command. Vincent uncovers a plot by the alien invaders to use mind control so that they can disable the computer system and enable their flying saucers to land undetected…

Roy Thinnes (David Vincent), Antoinette Bower (Laurie Keller), Jason Evers (Dan Keller), Simon Scott (Peter Stanhope), Forrest Compton (Albertson), Roy Engel (Doctor Rogers), Mort Mills (Arius), Burt Douglas (Burt Douglas), Robert Brubaker (General Winters), Jim Raymond (Technician)
Directed by Don Medford

A Quinn Martin Production

TX (US): 5th Spetember 1967

*Featuring David Vincent