Highlander Logo 'Measure of a Man'

by Nancy Holder
Book Cover

There Can Be Only One...

He is immortal. A Scottish warrior born four hundred years ago. He is not alone. For centuries he has fought others like himself. He can die only if a foe takes his head, capturing his life-force in an event known as the quickening. But his battles are eternal...for in the end, there can be only one. He is Duncan MacLeod. The Highlander.

The Prince of Lies

Niccolo Machiavelli was history's greatest manipulator, whose only morality was "might makes right." He played princes against kings, controlling all by lies and corrupted love. What if such a man were immortal?...In Venice, 1655, MacLeod tested his wit and his honor against Machiavelli and learned that his opponent would stop at no betrayal to achieve his ends. Now Machiavelli has plans to dominate the entire world. Then why has the Prince of Lies dared the Highlander to stop him?

*Featuring Duncan MacLeod