Clangers Logo 'Building Bridges'
by Dave Ingham
The Clangers

Major makes a new, wheeled table for Mother, but it collapses as soon as the Clangers use it, spilling soup everywhere. Tiny and Small take the soup trolley into the caves to get more soup, but hit an unexpected bump and crash; after flattening the bump the two Clangers taken the broken trolley back to their parents, failing to see the bump reappear, and then get even longer… Mother fixes the trolley, so Tiny and Small return to the soup well, only to hit the bump again. Further attempts to flatten the bump result in another appearing, as the culprit is revealed to be a little mole creature. Not wishing to hurt the mole, Major decides to use his broken table to build a bridge over the bump so they can drive over it…

Narrated by Michael Palin
Music composed by John Du Prez
Directed by Chris Tichborne and Mole Hill
Produced by Dan Maddicott

TX (CBeebies):
22nd June 2016 @ 5.30 pm

*Featuring Major Clanger, Mother Clanger, Small Clanger, Tiny Clanger and Granny Clanger