Captain Scarlet Logo 'Place of Angels'
by Leo Eaton
Captain Scarlet Cast

"We will destroy the place of the angels."

Judy Chapman, a laboratory assistant at the Biological Research Station D near Manchester, is killed and retrometabolised as a Mysteron agent; she then steals a phial of the deadly K14 virus, a bacillus capable of causing death on a massive scale. Learning that Chapman has enough of the virus to kill ten million people, Colonel White sends Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue in pursuit. They trail her to the Boulder Dam on the Colorado River, where she is preparing to contaminate the entire water supply of Los Angeles. Can a wounded Captain Scarlet stop the destruction of the City of Angels..?

Francis Matthews (Captain Scarlet), Ed Bishop (Captain Blue), Donald Gray (Colonel White), Janna Hill (Symphony Angel), Cy Grant (Lieutenant Green), Donald Gray (Captain Black / Voice of the Mysterons), Liz Morgan (Rhapsody Angel / Destiny Angel), Charles Tingwell (Doctor Fawn), Lian Shin (Harmony Angel), Sylvia Anderson (Judith Chapman), Jeremy Wilkin (Doctor Denton / Spectrum, New York), Gary Files (Engineer / Security Guard), Martin King (Captain)

Directed by Leo Eaton
Produced by Reg Hill
Executive Producer Gerry Anderson

UK (ATV Midlands):
March 8th, 1968 @ 5.25 pm - 5.55 pm

*Featuring Captain Scarlet, Captain Blue, Colonel White, Symphony Angel, Lieutenant Green, Rhapsody Angel, Destiny, Fawn, Harmony Angel and Captain Black