Doctor Who Logo 'The Diary of River Song':
'A Requiem for the Doctor'

(1 Part)

by Jac Rayner
Jacket Illustration

River has joined the Doctor and his friend Brooke on their travels, and they stop off in 18th century Vienna.

Brooke thinks history is dull. Until people start dying.

Mozart’s legacy is not just his music. River has more than one mystery to solve before a killer is let loose on the people of Vienna – and on the Doctor.

Alex Kingston (Professor River Song), Peter Davison (The Doctor), Frances Barber (Madame Kovarian), Ian Conningham (Kevin / Rindle), Julia Hills (Sharon / Rindle), David Seddon (Mr Quisling / Tarn 2), Leighton Pugh (Lake 2 / Dave / Tarn), Sophia Carr-Gomm (Lily), Joanna Horton (Brooke), Issy Van Randwyck (Giulia), Rosanna Miles (Antoinette / Maid / Constanze), Teddy Kempner (Viktor / Mozart / Stefan / Apothecary), Jonathan Coote (Maitre D' / Chef / Assassin), Nina Toussaint-White (Brooke 2), Francesca Zoutewelle (H-One / H-Two / Mission Captain), Pippa Bennett-Warner (O / The Deterrent)

Directed by Ken Bentley

Release Date:
January 2018


*Featuring Professor River Song, the Fifth Doctor and Brooke

*A Big Finish 'The Diary of River Song' adventure