Angel Logo 'Eternity'
Story Code '1ADH17'

by Tracey Stern
Angel Cast

Angel and Wesley attend Cordelia's first stage appearance, in the play ‘A Doll's House’ - an experience that stretches their powers of tact to the limit. Walking home from the event, the three friends see top talent-agent Oliver Simon, and his client, former soap-opera star Rebecca Lowell, surrounded by photographers. When Angel then saves Rebecca from being hit by an ongoing car, there is a noticable chemistry between him and the beautiful celebrity. The next day, Rebecca visits Angel Investigations to ask for help with a fan who is stalking her; however, much to Wesley and Cordelia’s surprise, Angel refuses the case. Wesley surmises that Angel has feelings for Rebecca, but turned down the investigation because he feared that the happiness of being with her could cause his evil Angelus persona to be released. That night, after a party at her house, Rebecca hears a noise upstairs; Angel promptly bursts through a window and sees off the intruder - however, Rebecca has seen that her saviour has no reflection in her mirror, and when she confronts him about it, Angel reveals that he is a vampire. The following day, Angel agrees to attend a premiere with Rebecca as her bodyguard; they soon encounter the stalker, whom Angel quickly overpowers. Realising that the man is a former client of Oliver Simon's, Rebecca confronts the agent; he reveals that he staged the event for the publicity - because Rebecca is not as young as she thinks she is. Rebecca gets an idea, and the following day, takes Cordelia shopping so that she can learn more about Angel. That evening, Rebecca arrives at Angel's apartment and tries to ply him with drugged champagne so that he will agree to turn her into a vampire, ensuring that she will never age. But the drugs cause Angelus to become the dominant persona, and he immediately tries to kill the starlet. Just in time, Wesley and Cordelia arrive and overpower the evil vampire, tying him to a chair until the next morning, when the drug has worn off and Angel is himself once more.

David Boreanaz (Angel), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Alexis Denisof (Wesley Wyndam-Price), Tamara Gorski (Rebecca Lowell), Michael Mantell (Oliver), Robin Meyers (Masseuse)
Directed by Regis Kimble

TX (US): 4th April 2000

*Featuring Angel, Cordelia and Wesley